I realize I haven't even started to talk about Canada in my blog, which is supposed to be the subject of it all.
My bad, I will start now by giving this good articles
Top Ten Myths about Canada written by Jim Hynes.He is redactor of our website
canadian winter and he rocks (his others articles are better but less in the subject of my blog). It is only justice since most of what I know about Canada is thanks to my colleagues.
So here it is:
Top Ten Myths About Canada ExplainedBy Jim Hynes
1. We live in igloos
A few of us do – in the northern latitudes. And not even year-round – and mostly just for fun. The rest of us live in regular houses and apartment buildings.
2. We get around by dog sled
Related to number 1. We actually get around in cars and on buses and trains. I’m actually afraid of dogs.
3. We all know each other
“My cousin Kevin lives in Vancouver, maybe you know him.”
Not likely, especially since I live 4,000 kilometres from Vancouver and there’s about 30 million people between him and me.
4. All Canadians play hockey
Many Canadians played hockey growing up, and many keep playing into adulthood. But many Canadians can’t even skate. And my wife hates hockey.
5. It’s always cold in Canada
Canadian winters typically feature some extremely cold days. But not that many. Many winter days are very comfortable (-5 to -10°C), and summers can get scorching hot, even in the far north – hot enough to melt our igloos.
6. All Canadians say "eh" and pronounce “about” “aboot”
The “eh” thing is true. The “aboot” part is not.
7. Everyone in Canada speaks French
French is the predominant language in the province of Quebec, although English is widely spoken there, particularly in Montreal. Overall, English is the first language of nearly 60 per cent of Canadians, while 23 per cent are French-speaking. Many Canadians speak both French and English.
8. Canada's national sport is
Most would say hockey. But up until 1994, Canada’s national sport was lacrosse. That year, hockey became Canada’s national winter sport. Lacrosse remains our national summer sport.
9. Our police officers all dress in red and ride horses
We can thank Hollywood for this one. Canada’s national police force, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the rest of our police officers for that matter, usually wear regular uniforms, drive in cars and spend too much time in donut shops, just like American cops. RCMP officers will wear their famous red uniforms on special occasions.
10. Canadians only know how to play games and ice and snow
A Canadian, Dr. James Naismith, invented basketball (in Springfield, Massachusetts).
Well some of these myths seems like the American vision.
We have a different approach on Canada. For what I saw, I would say Canada=USA. I'll explain in later post (Not many chances I have to deal with angry canadians anyway)