Saturday, October 01, 2005

Montreal (1) Impressions

My first contact with Canadian soil was in Airport Pierre Eliott Trudeau which doesn't count. every airport look and feel the same way. The only thing is that I had the uncool experience of getting through immigration.
Well Canada began at the exit of the airport and here were my first impressions:
_ ATM only distribute money for either Visa or Mastercard, very convenient when you are needing cash for the taxi and there is no Visa ATM in view.
_ Canadians like big limos. I guess they share that love with americans. No french would ever dare to travel around with this even if he was Bill Gates (We don't like to show how rich we are)
_ Canadians cars are different (Well after one month I forgot in what domains, I should go back to France to refresh my memory)
_ THE SHAME: Canadians have electric pillars in the street like underdeveloped countries. Only the city center has got underground electricty.
_ Montreal doesn't seem that prosper; it is kind of a disapointment to see the standard of living is at better equal as in France. Maybe lower than the Paris suburb I live in (except from these big limos)
_ Food is only junk food. I imagined that before and it couldn't be more true. Very few choice in local supermarkets. restaurants all serve beef and fries. I think you know as much as I the desastrous state of food this side of the atlantic.

Well that is only a beggining. there are so much things to say yet. Good and Bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mais ce n est pas possible.

Quelques heures dans un endroit inconnu et voila que le raleur a tout vu.

Ouais 2 km carrée au maximum.

Un autre francais raleur.

Lit les blogs de francais qui sont a montreal depuis plus de un an. tu verras que les ralements se font doux. Les mecs ils ont decouverts que tout ne se fait pas comme chez maman.

Ils vont jamais admettre les erreurs. Impossible pour un francois.

Mais ils ne ralent plus et ils jouissent de la liberté et du bien-etre.


le cas des Poto electrique
a- en france l etat a payer et la france est endette pour toujours...

b-ici la densité du peuplement est de 6 million sur un territoire 3 fois grand comme la france. Alors calcule les gouts.

Bienvenue quand meme . Et dans un an on se reparlera

6:06 PM  

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