Centre Bell, Pearl Jam Concert

One of the highlights of my first month or so in Montreal have to be the 2 concerts I went to, Pearl Jam and White Stripes. Both took place at the Bell centre, Montreal Canadiens skating rink, but still were very different.
Both concerts were my girlfriend idea, she wanted to do something special in Montreal and bought tickets from France via Admission.com I have to admit I wasn't so hot about Pearl Jam, as i remembered them from hits like Jeremy or Alive. They didn't look rebel enough for me even though they are called "grunge"
The concert took place thursday September 15, and I was very disapointed at first for 2 reasons
_ Our tickets were level 300 so we were very high above the scene, it is hard to feel like part of a concert that far
_ The sound sucked, maybe it was because we were very close to the roof but it was very noisy and unconfortable. Impossible to hear a single solo.
Fortunately I got into it somehow. Yes Pearl Jam play this uncreative grungy classic rock but 16000 die-hard fans and a 3 hours show are hard to ignore.
I was a bit surprised by the total hero worship pearl jam still had as I though they were has been. Their powerful anthems were all sung along by the fans and I wanted to sing with them even if I knew only a few songs. The show lasted for so long that it ended with the lights on at 23h30, very few people having left the building.
As for the covers played I recognized Teenage Wasteland by the Who, there were also Neil Young songs but I'm not into that kind of music.
All in one I left the building satisfied as did my girlfriend that had never heard them before.
This story continues with the White Stripes on the next article
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